

Recipe for Abstract Submission


Thank you for your interest in the 42th Conference on Surveying and Geomatics (SG42). Please check the following guidelines for submission of your abstract/paper.

Disciplinary Sessions

Theme of the Conference

  • 數位雙生、智慧轉型 Digital Twins for an Intelligent Future

Topical Sessions

  1. 測繪理論與技術 Surveying Theories and Techniques
  2. 測繪管理與教育 Surveying Management and Education
  3. 測繪新科技與跨域應用 New Geomatics Techniques and Applications
  4. 空間資訊與行動測繪 Spatial Information and Mobile Surveying
  5. 都市韌性與防災 Urban Resilience and Disaster Prevention
  6. 數位雙生與智慧應用 Digital Twins and Intelligent Applications
  7. 太空科技與高能遙測 Satellite Techniques and High-performance Remote

Rules and Responsibilities

  1. 請於徵稿截止前(臺灣時間7月15日23:59)投稿系統 完成註冊並上傳稿件。
  2. 同一人可以第一作者身分投稿最多三篇稿件,但最多僅可選擇其中一篇參與學生論文獎。
  3. SG42論文審查委員會保留拒絕稿件之權利,包含但不限於稿件並未以中文或英文撰寫、不符合徵稿主題或子題、未達研究品質標準等。
  4. 審查通過之稿件將於SG42論文審查委員會建議之子題場次進行口頭發表,惟SG42論文審查委員會或視場次規劃將部分稿件改為海報發表。
  5. 投稿審查結果(包含接受並以口頭發表、接受並以海報發表、不予發表)將於8月初以電子郵件通知通訊作者。相關發表規定(如口頭報告時長與海報格式)亦將同時公告於SG42官網。
  6. 本次研討會並無文章處理費,但審查通過之稿件之第一作者需於 報名截止(6/30)前於 報名系統 註冊參加本研討會。
  7. 若有未盡事宜或其他投稿相關問題,請寄送電子郵件至 [email protected]
  1. Before submitting by the deadline (15 July 2024, 23:59 (UTC+8)), please register yourself in the submission portal.
  2. Authors are allowed as the first author to submit a maximum of three submissions. However, only one of the submissions can be eligible for the Student Award.
  3. SG42 committee reserves the right to reject submissions that are not written in Chinese or English, are out of the scope of the theme or topics, do not meet basic standards of scientific quality, etc.
  4. Accepted papers will be presented orally in the sub-session recommended by the SG42 Paper Review Committee. However, depending on the session schedule, some submissions might be presented in poster sessions.
  5. The results of the submission review (including acceptance for oral presentation, acceptance for poster presentation, or rejection) will be notified to the corresponding author via email in early August. The related presentation guidelines (such as oral presentation duration and poster format) will be announced simultaneously on the official website.
  6. There is no required abstract processing charge (APC); however, the first authors of accepted submissions must register their conference attendance by the registration deadline (06/30) via the registration portal.
  7. If other pieces of information are needed, please contact us at [email protected]